Make a reservation

As we are a traditional Ryotei restaurant that used to take reservations exclusively by its members and their referred clients – that is to say – we are not a walk-in-acceptable restaurant – because our chef’s specifically-chosen, seasonal ingredients’ availabilities are limited and have to be prepared at their very best time according to the numbers of reservations and the dining times of the day.

Please read the following carefully before your booking.


  • Because of a considerable number of no-show’s and last-minute cancellations particularly by international travelers in the past, we have decided to require an advanced payment to secure all reservations. Upon your reservation request, we will email you an online invoice. 
  • Please DO NOT make a reservation when you are not absolutely certain about the date and time. Please be a respectable international traveler to show up on time. Please inform us at least by 3 days before in case you need to cancel your reservation. After that, your advanced payment will become the cancellation fee. 
  • The same-day or day-before reservation may be possible, but not preferable, if we were able to get back to you in time. Please give us enough turn-around time (ideally for a week or more) to confirm surely and communicate timely.

Thank you very much for your understanding. 


Please make a reservation by filling out the following form.

(We accept reservations 6 months in advance.)

Date/Time/Number of people

Preference of Seating (All seatings are bend-knee free as you sit on a chair)

  • Bar counter
  • Tatami private room
  • Antique Western table

Children notes : Children are limited to seat in Tatami rooms or Antique Western table seats. (We don’t have high chairs for toddlers.)

Choice of the Course

  • 8,000 yen course (lunch only) — 先付け Sakizuke (appetizer), 煮物椀 Owan (simmered soup dish), 向付け Mukōzuke (sashimi), 八寸 Hassun (2nd appetizer), 焚き合わせ Takiawase (simmered dish), ご飯 Gohan (rise dish), 汁 Shiru (miso-based soup), 香の物 Kō no mono (seasonal picked vegetable), デザート desert, 和菓子 wagashi (=Japanese sweets), 抹茶 Maccha (green tea)
  • 11,000 yen course (lunch only) — Above all plus 焼物 Yakimono (grilled fish) after 八寸 Hassun (2nd appetizer)
  • 15,000 yen course (lunch or dinner) — The same number of dishes as 11,000 yen course but consists of different ingredients, plus 強肴 Shiizakana (additional dish) before 八寸 Hassun (2nd appetizer)
  • 20,000 yen course (lunch or dinner) — Consists of more premium (different) ingredients than above. Also 強肴 Shiizakana becomes 近江牛たたき Seared Oumi-gyu
  • 25,000 yen course (lunch or dinner) — Consists of more premium (different) ingredients. Also 強肴 Shiizakana becomes 近江牛ステーキ Oumi-gyu steak or seasonal dish, plus Hashi-Yasume (additinal side dish)

– We use higher grades of the ingredients/parts for the higher priced courses.

– We change the menu every month. Depending on the ingredients’ availabilities at the market, each course’s contents may vary.

– Different ingredients/contents are used for Lunch and Dinner course.

– Vegetarian/vegan notes : We use fish-based broth, organically prepared Dashi, for many dishes and we can not substitute it to vegetable-base broth.

– Please be advised that we can not serve multiple courses for one party.

– For basic understanding of Kaiseki course

Your Name and phone# (of your staying place or your personal)
Note: Important! In case we need contact you, please make sure to fill in your contact number. Without the number, we may not take your reservation.

Please know that we prepare and stock freshest ingredients for each course according to the reservations. Please make certain of the date, time, and number of people, and the kind of course you would like to reserve.

After your reservation request, we’ll hold your preferred seating/time and send you a pre-confirmation email and online invoice. Please make a payment quickly for the final confirmation. Even if you change your mind, please email us back as we are holding your seats until then.

  • Course price does not include drinks, 10% consumption tax and 10% service fee.
  • We accept VISA, Mastercard, and American Express cards. (We ask you to make payments in cash for amounts under 10,000 yen.)
  • We have no specific dress code. However, Business casual is recommended.


Also closed on the following dates in 2024

October 8th, 10th, 15th, 22nd, 24th, 31st

December 27th ~ 30th (to prepare Osechi – Japanese new year special dishes)

NOTE: During the spring peak period from March 20th to April 10th every year, we may not be able to accept the reservation requests from international travelers whose itinerary tend to involve great uncertainty. We appreciate your understanding and apologize for the inconvenience.

New Year Special Note; From December 31st, 2024 to January 4th, 2025, we can only serve 20,000 yen or 25,000 yen course.

    Your Name (required)

    Your Email (required)

    Confirm Email (required)

    Special Notes to those guests who use email addresses:
    Often times, we receive error messages when we reply to addresses and we are unable to confirm the booking. Please do not to use email address.

    Hotel/Ryokan that you are staying (required)

    Your Cell Phone # and/or Hotel/Ryokan's telephone # (required)

    Number of People (required)

    Menu Choice (required)

    Reservation Date & Time (required)
    hr:min mm/dd/yyyy

    Second Choice (optional)
    hr:min mm/dd/yyyy

    Third Choice (optional)
    hr:min mm/dd/yyyy

    Seating Choice (required)

    Seating Second Choice (optional)

    Seating Third Choice (optional)
